Myles Academy caters for young people who have been diagnosed with a range of complex difficulties which have affected their ability to be successful in previous settings. Their needs have sometimes resulted in negative behaviours which have become barriers to their learning. We intend to offer a nurturing learning environment that provides social and emotional support alongside a targeted curriculum. Myles Academy believes that the curriculum embraces all that is learned: via lessons, social times, therapeutic input and role modelling by the adults and peers around them. With this in mind, we are promoting an ethos of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience in all that we do.

We aim to teach our young people to grow into citizens who are able to work and co-operate with others, whilst developing their knowledge and skills so that they make progress from their different starting points and celebrate both academic and personal success.

Literacy, Numeracy and Personal and Social Development form the foundations of our curriculum. English and Maths are embedded discreetly in all subjects to re-enforce learning. We ensure that core subjects are taught in the mornings when our students are more focused. In the afternoon the curriculum becomes more practical, vocational and personalised.
We recognise that our learners are individuals and that a ‘a one size fits all’ approach will not work. These qualifications are inclusive and accessible; available from pre E1 to L2. Lessons will be differentiated, engaging and fun whilst incorporating dedicated resources or support and catering for a range of learning styles.

Pupils will have individual, personalised timetables, bringing them together as small groups of no more than 6 in core subjects based on their current Key Stage.
The groups will, as far as possible, be based on Key Stage and ability.

The Curriculum for Post 16 students is based on the needs and interests of the pupils by focusing on the core subjects, as well as incorporating life skills with vocational training.